Informazioni KatieGomez Last seen 6 hours ago
Orientamento sessuale
Taglia del seno
160 cm
57 Kg
❤️About Me❤️
Hi guys, I'm Katie, nice to meet you, I'm 18 years old, I'm 1.60 tall, I don't remember how much I weigh but I think I'm around 57 or 58 kg hehe, I'm a very cheerful, funny and spontaneous brunette girl I really like to talk and converse with people, I really like to laugh and make others laugh, I really like to be very, very funny, I really like my smile, but what I love most about myself (physically) are my tits and my ass, with huge haha, in my spare time I like to relax, watch movies, go out with my friends to dance and have a few drinks, I also like to play a very popular board game in Colombia called Bingo :) it's a lot of fun and we make bets lol, I also like to go to the pool, I am a girl who is very passionate about what I do but I am also very easy-going, so you can have an honest and calm talk with me or have fun for a while ;) as you wish love.
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8 months ago
Amazing tits